JUAL Quick Clamping | PT. Masusskita United | 085290078282
Quick Clamping
Quick Clamping designed is easy to maintenance and install
without any tools , Keeps downtime to a minimum and one person can reposition
worn skirt rubber in minutes. Strong restraining bar that is held in place by clamp
plates to allow easy adjustment of skirt rubber safely from the sides of the
Roller conveyor ( carry roller, impact roller, return roller, steering roller, roller rubber disc, UHMW roller, HDPE roller, gravity roller, teflon roller )
Pulley conveyor ( Drum pulley, head pulley, snub pulley, bend pulley, tail pulley, wing pulley, counterwidth pulley )
Belt conveyor, conveyor metal detector, magnetic separator, mechanical sampling, coal sampler, belt scale, belt weigher, rubber skirt, quick release clamp, impact cradle, impact bed
Safety conveyor switch ( pull cord, belt sway, speed switch, chute switch, alarm horn, paddle switch, limit switch, level switch, belt alignment switch ), water scrapper.
Produk kami sudah banyak dipakai di banyak PLTU Indonesia dan perusahaan tambang batu bara, pabrik semen, dll di seluruh Indonesia. Untuk informasi lebih jelas silahkan hubungi marketing kami di bawah ini.
Marketing : Budi Hartono
KS Tubun No. 23 Ungaran
Semarang , Jateng
Hp & WA : 085290078282
jual quick clamping skirt
BalasHapusagen clamping skirt
distributor clamping indonesia
clamping skirt masusskita
clamping murah
harga clamping skirt